Bryah Basin Project

Bryah Basin project lies within the Gascoyne region of Western Australia, approximately 90km north of Meekatharra.
The Bryah Basin region is prospective for copper-gold and gold mineralisation, and was historically the focus of several mining operations, including the Peak Hill Mining Centre, Sandfire Resources’ high-grade DeGrussa copper-gold project and Westgold Resources multi-million ounce Fortnum gold project.
Regional Geology
The Bryah Basin Project lies at the centre of the basin and is prospective for high-grade copper-gold mineralisation akin to that at Sandfire’s DeGrussa Project. Historical exploration has been limited in this project area, mainly due to the extensive transported cover associated with the Murchison River basin, however historical data and recent re-mapping by Strickland illustrates favourable geology for both gold and copper-gold mineralisation.

Future Exploration Activities
The Company plans to refine the key targets after a full compilation of historical data and thorough interpretation of the known anomalous copper and gold prospect areas. Acquisition of geophysical datasets across the Bryah Basin Project is underway. The area will also be assessed for nickel potential, given the region’s prospectivity and the identification of orthocumulates and komatiites in drilling proximal to the Academus Prospect.
Follow-up work on priority targets will then commence including; field mapping, infill soil sampling and air-core drilling. Identified targets will then be considered for targeted deeper drilling.